Help! I Can’t Lose Weight Anymore, My Metabolism Completely Crashed!

Metabolism crash is a popular term used by marketers, but this concept is not endorsed by medical professionals. That’s because in reality, metabolism does not crash until you die.

Understanding Metabolism: What Is It and Why Is It Important

Metabolism is a word used to describe the process in which your body takes nutrients in the food you consume and converts it into energy, keeping you more energized and alert.


Our body relies on food, using it as fuel to keep us able-bodied and moving around. Without food, the body would become weak, and completing even the simplest of tasks would become a significant challenge. But when we take adequate food, the way our bodies process food is not exactly the same as we all fall into different body types.

Some people have a faster metabolism than others. Those with a faster metabolism may have trouble gaining weight because their body metabolizes the food they consume at such a rapid rate of speed.

In other cases, individuals may have a slow metabolism, causing them to gain weight rather quickly, even when they’re not trying to do so.

What Is Catabolism?


In any living organism, specifically, humans and animals, catabolism refers to the breaking down of complex molecules in order to form simpler ones and to release energy.

This process is mainly in reference to digesting food. Once food is ingested, your system works hard in order to break down the food into simpler nutrients your body can actually use such as glucose.

There are four major hormones involved with catabolism and they include:

  • cortisol,
  • cytokines,
  • adrenaline, and
  • glucagon.

All these need to work together in order to help you metabolize food properly. When a person suffers from any medical problems such as a thyroid disorder, his/her metabolism will also experience a decline in functioning.

For body builders, a catabolic state refers to the breaking down or loss of muscle mass. Though fat is also lost in the process, body builders, for example, will want to keep their bodies in an anabolic state, as they want to convert everything they can into a muscle cell making them look more masculine. It is possible to manipulate body weight by having a deeper understanding of how these metabolic processes work.

Participating in a catabolic weight loss regimen entails shedding pounds quickly, but also losing muscle mass in the process. The processes of catabolism and anabolism ultimately become variants in the mathematical equation of whether you gain or lose weight/fat or muscles.

What Is Anabolism?


Part of the metabolization process, anabolism is responsible for the organization of molecules. It takes small and simple molecules and works hard to build them into larger, complex ones.

Gluconeogenesis is a prime example of this process working in action. What happens with gluconeogenesis is that the kidneys and liver use noncarbohydrate sources to produce glucose. And if you alter your diet adding more proteins and combine it with strength training, you gain muscles while losing fat.

Hormones are a vital part of the anabolism process, and as such, involve the following hormones:

  • insulin,
  • estrogen,
  • testosterone, and
  • growth hormone.

For those looking to gain muscle mass, anabolism is a crucial part of the process. It involves training three to four days per week in order to maintain muscle mass. Additionally, anabolism also requires a great deal of energy in order to build and grow.

Anabolism and catabolism are both metabolic processes that happen in our bodies in order to repair cells and produce energy for our day-to-day activities. Knowing exactly how anabolism affects your body and calculating your calorie intake can help ensure that you enhance your muscle mass while also reaching your desired weight goals.

A diet that consists mostly of whole foods as well as a regular workout routine can help your metabolism function as intended.

Reasons for Slower Metabolism

Slower metabolism is natural as you age. Scientific studies suggest that metabolism rate drops at 1% per annum after 30. Apart from age there are 9 more important factors which can influence slower/inefficient metabolism. See the illustrative chart below.

10 reasons for slower or inefficient metabolism

From the chart above, it’s clear that many of the factors that influence metabolism are not directly controllable by us. This includes age, genetics, body composition and sex.

For women certain hormonal issues arising due to pregnancy, menopause & birth control pills (contraceptives) etc. are not avoidable.

That said, it is possible to make some lifestyle changes to give your metabolism a boost, such as getting adequate sleep, reducing stress levels, and exercising regularly.

Did My Metabolism Crash?

Metabolism crash is a term coined by marketers to promote their products. It is not a medical term and is not used by medical professionals. That’s because the metabolism actually doesn’t crash until the moment of death!

Metabolism is a very complex process that involves the body breaking down food and converting it into energy, which is then used to fuel the body’s daily activities.

Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the number of calories your body needs to maintain basic functions such as breathing, digesting, and blood circulation.

Calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR) using free calculator below.

BMR & Calorie Calculator

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Your body Carb requirment ......

The calorie count is then adjusted based on your goal:

  • Weight loss: Reduce by 10-20%
  • Weight gain: Add 500 calories
  • Weight maintenance: Unchanged
  • This calorie count is split into macronutrient percentages in the following ratios, based on splits commonly recommended by our nutrition experts for muscle gain, weight loss, and weight maintenance. (Yes, weight gain and maintenance are the same ratio, but the calories and macros are different.)

    • Weight loss: 40/40/20 (carbohydrates/protein/fats)
    • Weight gain: 40/30/30
    • Weight maintenance: 40/30/30
    • Finally, your carbohydrate intake comes from applying those percentages to your daily calorie number. Each gram of carbohydrates is "worth" 4 calories.

Is Slow Metabolism a Reason for Weight Gain?

Metabolism is a process in our bodies that is linked to our weight; however, contrary to popular belief, slow metabolism is not the direct culprit for increased weight. In reality, it is the balance between food intake and physical activity and exercise that will determine our weight.

Although metabolism does affect how quickly or slowly we store and burn energy, it is the amount and type of calories we consume and the level of physical activity we engage in that will have the biggest impact on our weight.

Therefore, if you are trying to manage your weight, you should focus on not only what you are eating, but also how much exercise you are getting. Eating a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity are the best ways to maintain a healthy body weight.

How to Boost Metabolism?

If you really want to boost your metabolism, adding some exercises to your routine can be of great help. Eating regularly and consuming healthy, nutritious food can also benefit those with a slower metabolism.

After all, it’s vital to nourish our body with good food, it converts food into the energy so that we can get through the day without constantly feeling tired and sluggish.

Read The Science & Math of Weight Loss : Learn 5 Basic Rules

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