30 Minutes a Day, 3 Days a Week Home Workout Plan for Beginners

Performing 30 minutes of workout for 3 days a week is an effective way to burn calories and boost metabolism. These workouts include strength training, cardio and stretching exercises, with an emphasis on high intensity interval training.

30 minute workouts

This type of exercise has been proven to be the most effective way to burn calories, improve cardiovascular health, and increase metabolism.

You should do these exercises correctly to prevent injury, and try different combinations to prevent boredom.

Taking few short breaks throughout the workout session and listening to your body is also necessary for a safe and effective workout. Following a consistent routine will help you maximize the benefits and reach your fitness goals.

Why Home Workouts Instead of Gym?

  1. Home workouts have numerous benefits for beginners, both in terms of convenience and cost-effectiveness.
  2. Working out at home eliminates the time and cost associated with traveling to a gym. And also allows for greater flexibility in terms of scheduling.
  3. Performing exercises in a familiar environment can help to reduce stress and anxiety if you are a self conscious person.
  4. Home workouts, when performed properly, can also provide a significant boost, helping to build strength and endurance.
  5. Working out from home allows for a greater degree of privacy, which you will enjoy if you have just started your fitness journey.

All of these factors make home workouts an excellent choice for you for starting your fitness journey.

An example 30 minutes, 3 days a week workout plan

For those just starting out, it is recommended to begin by exercising three days a week, say, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

An example of a typical weekly routine could include:

30 Minutes Monday Workouts

Monday’s workout – detailed instructions below. You can watch full circuit video below the instructions.

Activity #1 Power Snatch

This exercise requires you to lower yourself into a half squat while keeping the dumbbell on floor between your legs and grasp the dumbbell in one hand altering hands each time. After ensuring that you maintain proper posture, extend your hips, knees, and ankles explosively to raise the weight overhead.

Once your body is straight from head to toe, hold the weight overhead standing up straight. In order to minimize the risk of injury, rest for a minute before transitioning to the next activity.

Activity #2 Squat Press

Begin with a dumbbell in each hand, and bring them up to your shoulders. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and establish a sturdy, stable base. Take a big breath in and as you exhale, bend your knees and go into a deep squat.

Make sure to keep your back straight and your chest out. As you come back up, use the power of your legs and arms to drive the weights directly overhead. Bring the weights back to your shoulders and return to the starting position.

Ensure to maintain control of the weights throughout the entire movement and keep your core engaged.

Activity #3 Jump Squat

After taking a sixty second break, begin your exercise by standing with or without the dumbbells by your sides. Slowly lower your body into a half squat position, ensuring that your knees stay aligned with your toes and your back is kept straight.

Once you have reached the lowest point of your squat, use the strength of your lower body to explosively jump up from the ground.

Once your feet have landed, softly absorb your body weight in order to maintain proper posture. Repeat this sequence for a full set.

Activity #4 Windmill

Begin your routine by holding a dumbbell overhead engaging your core muscles. Once you have a secure grip on the weight, bend at the waist by bringing one hand down your leg.

Maintain a slow and controlled movement, focusing on the weight throughout the exercise. Make sure to keep your back straight and your chest open throughout the exercise.

Once you have fully extended your arm, pause and then slowly return to the starting position. Incorporate this exercise into your regular workout routine and you will soon begin to see the positive results.

Activity #5 Roll-Out

To perform the dumbbell roll-out, begin in a kneeling position with the dumbbells directly below your shoulders. Once in position, roll the weights away from you, extending your arms as far as possible.

The key here is to control the movement with your abs, so focus on maintaining tension throughout the entirety of the exercise. Once the weights are as far away from you as possible, slowly return to your starting position.

This exercise can be repeated for the desired number of repetitions, and is a great way to target the core and strengthen your abdominal area.

Full circuit video tutorial

Workout 2: Wednesday

Starting the day two with a sharp focus on functional movements is essential for kickstarting your workout routine. These exercises are not overly demanding and will give momentum to your workout and prevent you from feeling fatigued too quickly.

Some examples of functional movements include dumbbell swing, overhead squat, side lunge, press-up renegade row, and leg raise.

Pro Tip! You should drink plenty of water. Check your daily water requirement using free calculator below.

To optimize your workouts and make them more seamless, allow yourself to have a minute of rest after completing each exercise. This will provide a much needed mental and physical break and help you to tackle the next exercise with more focus and determination.

Water Intake Calc

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you should drink ...... of water per day

Activity #1 Dumbbell Swing

Begin by hinging at the hips and sending the dumbbell through your legs. To use the power of your hip drive, push your glutes forward in a powerful movement, thrusting the dumbbell up to shoulder height.

Once you reach that point, reverse the move to the starting position and complete the next rep. This is an effective way to build up strength and power in your glutes, hips and core muscles.

Remember to keep your back and chest straight throughout the movement and keep your shoulders relaxed and down away from your ears to avoid any potential injury.

Activity #2 Overhead Squat

This activity is a great way to build strength and stability in your lower body and core muscles. To begin, hold a pair of weights directly overhead, engaging your shoulders and arms.

Then, bend at your hips and knees simultaneously to lower into a squat. It is important to maintain proper stance throughout the exercise, so make sure that you do not allow the weights to come forward.

As you continue with the activity, focus on keeping your back straight, chest up, and core engaged to ensure that you are getting the most out of the exercise.

Activity #3 Press-Up Renegade Row

Perform a press-up at the top with a dumbbell in each hand. Row one dumbbell up to your side while maintaining good form, while at the same time, lower the other dumbbell to the ground and row it up to the same height as the other dumbbell.

Repeat this motion to complete one full rep of the exercise. Good form should always be emphasized to maximize the effectiveness of the exercise and to reduce the risk of injury.

Make sure to keep your core engaged throughout the exercise and keep your shoulders level with the ground to ensure proper form.

Activity #4 Side Lunge

Begin by holding a moderate-weight dumbbell in each hand. Then, bend your leading knee as you take a large step to one side; keep your foot pointing forward, and ensure that your knee is in line with your toes.

Return to the start by pushing off your leading foot. To complete the movement, repeat the step on the other side. Aim to perform the movement with a controlled and measured pace; be sure to alternate sides with each rep.

When each set is complete, rest for few moments before repeating the exercise. As your body becomes accustomed to the movement, you can increase the weight of the dumbbells for further challenge.

Activity #5 Leg Raise

This exercise is quite straightforward and a great way to strengthen your core and lower body. To begin, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart while holding a dumbbell between your feet with your heels slightly elevated off the ground.

Engage your abdominal muscles, and slowly raise your legs until they are completely vertical, making sure to keep them straight. Hold this position for a few seconds and then slowly lower your legs under control, without allowing your heels to touch the floor.

Repeat this exercise for a total of 10-15 repetitions for best results. Watch the full circuit video below.

Workout #3: Friday

Today marks the conclusion of your weekly workout routine and it’s time to end on a high. To maximize the impact of this workout session, it’s recommended that you take on the most challenging exercises you have attempted so far!

This will ensure that you are pushing your body and physical capabilities to the limit, aiding in your overall development. Not only is it important to challenge yourself on a physical level, but it’s also essential to build mental strength.

Pro Tip: Your diet should consist of protein and good fat. Check your daily protein requirement using free calculator below.

Protein Calc

age should be in 14 to 80 range
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You should take ...... of protein per day

Keeping this in mind, you should always strive to push yourself further and further, even when you think you can’t go anymore. Doing so will help you achieve your desired results. Good luck and have a successful workout!

Activity #1 Back of Steel

Start by assuming an overhead squat position, with the dumbbells held overhead. While keeping your core engaged, lower the dumbbells to shoulder level with a controlled movement, ensuring that your glutes and hamstrings remain engaged throughout.

Once the dumbbells have reached shoulder level, press them back up above your head, controlling the motion and ensuring proper form is maintained at all times.

Repeat this lowering and pressing movement for the desired number of repetitions, keeping proper form and maintaining a controlled motion.

Activity #2 One-Leg Squat

Start by standing on one leg, with your dumbbells close to your sides. Then, while maintaining an upright posture, bend your hips and knees to slowly lower into a single-leg squat.

Once you reach the bottom of the squat, press back up to your starting position. Aim to complete all repetitions on one leg before transitioning to the other.

This exercise helps to build strength in the muscles of the legs and improve balance. Proper posture is important, make sure that you keep your chest up throughout the movement.

Activity #3 Woodchop Lunge

Begin this exercise by grasping a dumbbell in one hand and placing it over your shoulder. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, then take a large stride forward with the opposite leg.

As you lunge forwards, bring the weight down across your body on the same side. Aim for a full range of motion. After completing the designated number of reps on one side, switch legs and repeat the movement on the other side.

Make sure to keep your back straight and core engaged throughout the exercise.

Activity #4 One-Leg Romanian Deadlift

With the weights hanging down by your thighs, stand on one leg and ensure your posture is aligned. Bend your standing knee slightly and maintain a straight back. Lift your chest and engage your core.

Then, lower the weights towards the floor by hinging at the hips. Make sure to keep them close to your leg to prevent excessive strain on your lower back.

When you reach the bottom of the movement, ensure your lower back remains flat. If you come too forward, you may be at risk of overextending your back, so make sure to practice correct position.

Hold for a few seconds at the bottom of the movement and then return to the starting position.

Activity #5 Turkish Get-Up

End the session by lying on the floor as you hold a weight above your face. To increase the intensity, maintain a flat back while engaging your core and buttocks.

Then, slowly bend your knee on that side and come up onto your elbow, keeping your hip and shoulder in line. Move to your hand and press your feet into the floor, pushing your hips off the floor for a bridge.

Then, bring your straight leg back under your body, completely engaging your core throughout the movement. Remove your hand from the floor and stand up, using your core and leg muscles to complete the motion.

Finish the session with a few stretches to increase flexibility and reduce the chance of injury. Watch the full circuit video below.

Set Sustainable Goal: Start with the Easiest Tasks

When starting your home workout, it is critical to set clearly-defined goals to ensure that your energy and efforts are being invested in the right direction. Be positive and determined. This can help to avoid the pitfalls of desperation, which can often lead to sub-optimal results.

To do this, it is important to ask yourself a few key questions.

  1. What goals do I want to achieve from this workout?
  2. Am I looking to increase muscle strength or endurance?
  3. What exercises best suit my current fitness level?
  4. How much time can I realistically devote to my workout?

Setting realistic goals and taking the time to answer these questions can help to ensure that you are starting off on the right foot. Therefore, these 30 minutes, 3 days a week home workout plan is in compliance with scientific research.

Regardless of your specific goals or reasons for engaging in regular exercise, it is always important to start by taking small steps. Establishing your targets and writing them down can help to serve as both inspiration and motivation to keep you on track.

Additionally, it is essential to take it slowly in the beginning in order to avoid straining, overstretching your muscles or any injury.

Start with low intensity exercises and gradually build up strength and endurance as you progress. With a careful and consistent approach, you can reach your desired level of fitness and health in no time.

Final Words

In conclusion, it is important to remember that diet is a major factor in determining your fitness success. A healthy and well balanced diet that is low in calories is the best one to reach your fitness goals.

It is recommended that you stick to a nutrition-rich low calorie plan to maximize your results. If you are trying to lose weight, it is estimated that 80-90% of your success comes from diet.

In addition, it is important to make sure that you are eating whole, unprocessed food and reducing your sugar intake. Exercising regularly and making sure that you get a good night’s sleep are also important factors in achieving your fitness goals.

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